''Ice on Fire'' Sigulda!
Raksts skatīts - 9605 reizes
Raksts publicēts - 2016.02.02.
For the first time in history we challenge you, skaters, bladers, crashed-icers, and beton burners, to take part on this spectacular event which will be held on Sigulda Bobsleigh track on March 4th-5th!
During the two days we will find out which one of you is the fastest and bravest/sickest rider of all!
As the first European Championship is fast approaching, here is what you need to know:
Track inspection and on-site registration:
March 4th, right before qualification runs.
Qualification round:
Runs will be set on March 4th, friday noon, predictably no earlier than 16:00
Four runs total starting from the bobstart (5th floor). Two fastest runs will sum up your starting number for the race.
Will start on March 5th, saturday at 10:00 first start approximately 11:30.
Race will be run as a kick-out showdown by riders competing one against another until the four best riders are determined.
Registration fee of 50,00 eur includes both- qualification and race runs as well as cattering during the race.
You will be asked to show up a valid EU insurance policy
To register, please use the following link and follow the asked data. You will be asked to present a physical copy of signed registartion form (sent to your email). You will also be asked to sign vaivers upon qualification start. To register, please follow this link:
Accomodation and airport shuttling:
As before, we will be happy to help you out with best accomodation possibilitiesas well as getting you from airport, just make sure to inform us of such need WELL IN ADVANCE! To do so, contact us at info@skeleton.lv
For latest news and updates, follow us on FaceBook:
For now, we kindly ask you to ask your questions and ENJOY THE VIDEO:)!