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Results - ShowelRace X sezonas 5.posms VĪRIEŠIEM+DĀMĀM+DIVNIEKIEM 10.februārī (sestdienā).

No. Title Training Run 1 Run 2 Difference
1. Aigvars Eglītis, Eduards Paķis 0:39.24 0:38.45 0:38.56 0:00.11
2. Jānis Bērziņš, Jānis Bērziņš 0:43.45 0:43.18 0:42.99 0:00.19
3. Rūdolfs Riekstiņš, Mareks Kairis - 0:39.46 0:38.77 0:00.69
4. Rudolfs Berzins, Patricija Anna Alsiņa 0:42.28 0:42.35 0:41.62 0:00.73
5. Paula Dāle, Agnese Āboltiņa 0:43.27 0:42.56 0:41.68 0:00.88
6. Dzintars Smans, Līga Avotiņa 0:51.09 0:42.08 0:44.65 0:02.57
* Event group where winner is that participant who has the smallest difference in time between run 1 and run 2.

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